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A Journey Into Self(-Authorship)

Welcome to finding yourself here...

We the Contemplation is an invitation to bear witness and step into honor towards freedom as a response to this realm;


At the essence is an invitation to take a look for yourself on a variety of key topics ("conspiracy theories") to actually see for yourself, while at the same time contemplating what it means to be a living woman or man with unalienable rights.

As notice, We the Contemplation is not for the faint of heart or timidness of spirit;

It's for those who long to align with what is true, whatever the consequences;
Notably the entire house of cards falling...
... and in its place, another phoenix rising...



Bearing Witness

What does it means to question authority?
What does it mean to be your own authority?

What does it mean to look for yourself? 
What does it mean to renew your mind and have your own opinion?

How, indeed, does one 'know' anything?
How can one be sure?
How do surrender, humility, and commitment apply? 


Provided are 6 core stories that significantly shape mankind today;
Each provide 10+ links and supporting questions to contemplate.

A suggestion to finish one before starting another;
Take advantage of the synergy to consider anew;

Start with Corruption as a foundation of who and how...
Each its own proverbial sweater thread, (everything (and more) connected)...

  1.  Corruption
  2.  Fluoride, Glyphosate, Geo-engineering, 5G
  3.  9/11
  4.  Germ Theory
  5.  The Moon Landings
  6.  Earth




With newly-tipping scales comes an inward journey into freedom, honor, equity, and grace...


*     *     *     *     *


Below are some ingredients to help set the context (container, catalyst) for contemplation, along with an opportunity to share (activate) your imagined reality in and for this world as heart of creativity it is as a power in this realm. With intention and empathy is how we create and transform ourselves / this realm...


Components to create a life-affirming container within which to bear faithful witness.





(Click on the images below to learn more.)

What can you imagine?

One of the greatest human powers is the ability to imagine.
To visualize and experience realities that haven't happened yet.
To see in the mind and feel in the heart.

As a compliment to contemplating whatever-is... is the contemplation of what-can-be.

What are (you, me) we imagining as realities to create (move towards)?


Below is one submission.
Beneath it is a link to share your own!

"I imagine healthy, diverse humans living in life-affirming communities that are in harmony with self / other / Earth / Nature / Life / Everything. The air is fresh, the water is clean, the food is healthy, education is empowering, justice is fair, and wellness is integrated. Livelihoods are meaningful. Media and politics are honest and trustworthy. Women, children, and men everywhere feel safe, free, loved, divine, inspired, empowered, peaceful, joyful, and part of something life-affirming and larger than themselves."


What can you imagine?

Click below and let us know.

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Look forward to continuing the contemplations.

© 2025  We The Contemplation | All rights reserved

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