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The events of 9/11 changed the world, setting in motion the (ever-unfolding) Wars on Terrorism. The result has been unprecedented (ever-expanding) domestic surveillance, control, and violations of constitutional rights... millions of lives lost, harmed, and displaced through military interventions... and trillions of dollars going into the pockets of the military industrial complex.


And yet, like the other contemplations offered here, what if the stories we were told about 9/11 aren't true? What if the official story about what happened on September 11, 2001 is completely different from what actually happened? 



Bearing Faithful Witness...


If you're reading these words, you're invited to bear witness with us to 9/11. This comes in the form of the 20 Questions below, followed by a 10-link Journey of Contemplation. The links are highlights from the hundreds we've collectively experienced as part of our own journeys, presented in this way so you don't have to sort through them like we did. We realize that few have the time to research and navigate all the varied information out there, most of which isn't great or badly edited or sloppily done, or part of controlled opposition. It's enough to make anyone's head spin in the quest to discern fact from fiction.


Our suggestion is to experience the links in 4 phases, with links 1–3 as phase 1... links 4–6 as phase 2... links 7 & 8 as phase 3... and links 9 & 10 as phase 4.  We also recommend striving to experience the 10 links as closely together as possible, ideally within the same week. A key here is the synergy of the links as a collective in order to provide an alternative perspective on what actually happened, as compared to the narratives offered (continuing to be presented) through the corrupted media, governmental agencies, etc. 


Like the other contemplations, central here is the questioning of 'Authority' (and their official explanations) in the quest to become our own authorities. Where in the intention to bear our own faithful witness is the capacity to navigate in the direction of what is true in order to be as aligned as possible with reality. In our lives as individuals, as well as in the greater community of our humanity.


If you have any questions, let us know.
Otherwise, thanks for your willingness to venture in to find out.


See you on the other side...




20 Questions

  1. Why does all the official video footage suggest various levels of trickery?

  2. Where did all the (hundreds of tons of) material from the towers go after they fell?

  3. What about Building 7?

  4. Why did various news sources report the collapse of Building 7 before it collapsed?

  5. Why did all 3 buildings in New York collapse at free-fall speeds?

  6. Why did all the evidence from the fallen buildings get taken away and not properly analyzed?

  7. Why did areas around 'Ground Zero' burn hot for so many weeks afterwards?

  8. Why is advanced-technology explosive residue found in dust samples?

  9. Why wasn't there any obvious plane wreckage at the Pentagon?

  10. Why wasn't there any obvious plan wreckage in Pennsylvania?

  11. Why wasn't there any clear video footage at the Pentagon?

  12. Why didn't any military fighter planes appear on the scene?

  13. Is it true that on 9/11 the US Military was conducting an exercise around a mock airplane attack?

  14. What explains all the increased puts and options on airline stocks?

  15. What about the Israeli art students (Gelatin / The B Thing) living in the World Trade Centers amidst remote control fuse boxes while being associated with military organizations and companies?

  16. Why were Israeli 'movers' documenting what happened while celebrating on the rooftop?

  17. Did city-wide cell service really go down that day so that no one could video-record with their phones?

  18. Why were so few friends / family members at the Los Angeles Airport in concern for loved ones?

  19. Why didn't the 9/11 Commission look for explosives?

  20. Why is there a piece of art in Jeffrey Epstein's private collection of George Bush playing on the floor of the White House around collapsed Jenga towers with an airplane in his hand (seen as the first image in the gallery below)?



  • Why didn't the secret service move and secure President Bush away from the school given that his appearance was widely known and if the nature of the 'attacks' weren't known? (And why didn't he seem to be affected by the news of what was happening when it was whispered in his ear?)



Current Conclusions...


  • They lied (are lying) about what happened on 9/11, i.e. 9/11 was a false-flag event.

  • "They" = the government, the media, the military.

  • The Twin Towers and Building 7 collapsed by controlled demotion.

  • The Pentagon was hit by a missile.



  • Our government and media are not trustworthy.

  • The ongoing War on Terror is based on a massive lie.


Follow-up Questions...


  • If all the sources are lying about 9/11... what else might they be lying about?

  • What happened to all the alleged passengers on the alleged airplanes?

  • How did all the building material along with all the contents turn into dust?




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