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Home Sweet Home

One of the foundations of human identity are our stories about Earth. About what it is. About where it is. About why it is. As well as our stories about all the beloved, amazing, miraculous, staggering display of diversity, complexity, and harmony of Life that surrounds us. Miracle after miracle after miracle. From water to air... sun to moon... hummingbirds to polar bears... spider webs to coconuts... the human heart to the human mind. What a mysterious and miraculous place we, indeed, call home!


As some brief personal context as we embark into this contemplating... I've been a huge 'space' fan throughout my life. I knew the order of the planets in elementary school and had the glow-in-the-dark stars on the bedroom ceiling I grew up in. I was born in 1969 and often associated that with the landing on the Moon. I loved space movies. I loved images from the Hubble telescope. I loved the whole notion of being 'stardust', referring to my physical body as this for decades.


Which is to say that questioning the heliocentric model seemed like one of dumbest things in the world to me. That anyone would think Earth is some flat pancake while all the other planets and suns were round, felt beyond ridiculous, let alone impossible. It had come on my radar over 10 years ago and I didn't even give it the time of day given how it seemed such an utterly stupid thing to question.


Like most of us, throughout my life I've been told (by NASA, school, media, et al) that Earth is a sphere created through a random explosion billions of years ago. I was also told that a cascade of mistakes over this immense period of time has resulted in all the marvel, order, harmony, and beauty we see and experience on Earth today. Scientifically speaking, however, all of it (human existence included) is essentially meaningless. And given the story that Earth is also merely 1 of billions (trillions) of planets out there in the infinite vacuum of space, that existence here (in addition to being random and meaningless) is also insignificant as well.


What if these stories, however, turn out not to be true?


This is, of course, the Conspiracy of all conspiracies. The big kahuna, indeed. Which is why I presented it last as #6. Relatedly, if you haven't gone through the CORRUPTION contemplation, or the one for the MOON LANDINGS, I suggest doing this first. Otherwise, this one may be too big a leap to venture into.



First Things First


As a caveat to start, let me say that the alternative to the heliocentric model is probably something you haven't come across before. The notion that Earth is some flat pancake amidst the rest of the spherical planets and stars orbiting the Sun a hundred million miles away is also not what's being suggested here.


I'm also not saying I know what's true here in terms of some replacement geocentric model that answers all the questions. What I am saying is that the heliocentric stories I've been told simply don't make sense when I look into it. And that given all the other lies I believe we're being told, that I now add this one to the mix, as well. Which admittedly feels a bit like a final straw for the beloved camel.



Bearing Faithful Witness


I know it's asking a lot to actually look into and bear your witness to this one. With so much indoctrination, ridicule, and controlled opposition (like the Flat Earth Society created to get you to run back to the heliocentric model as fast as possible) it takes its own level of will power to even be willing to check this one out for yourself.


And yet, my sense is that if you do choose to venture in that you'll conclude (like me and others), that something ain't quite right about this heliocentric camel ride.


Venturing in begins below with my version of 20 Questions, followed by a curated collection of links as a means with which to contemplate them.


The links come from the hundreds I've experienced over the past few months. As such, know this is all still pretty new to me. Last August I 'knew' Earth was a spinning sphere hurling through infinite space at astronomical speeds. Now I no longer think so. And I think that if you ask the questions below and contemplate the answers through the links, you too will no longer either. Which I know is a big claim. And yet, my experience is that others I've come across who spent more than 5 hours or so looking into this seems to switch their opinion. So with the links coming in at just over 5 hours, it certainly is poised as its own experiment. Because, frankly, so many things simply don't add up. At least they don't to me and a seeming growing group of others.


Like the other contemplations, I suggest taking this journey in three phases, i.e. links 1-5 as a grouping… followed by the documentary of link 6... followed by experiencing links 7-10 together. I also recommend experiencing all as closely together as possible. Collectively they touch on what I believe are many of the key facets to consider, where as a grouping they also provide a synergy needed to counter all the years (decades) of education (indoctrination).


With that... ready to go in and see for yourself what the increasing hype is all about?

Ready to use your own logic and intuition to come up with your own conclusions?


If you do decide to venture in... reach out on the other side.
I'd love to know what you think.
Definitely more data needed on this one, too.

As humility and openness and contemplation prevails.






20 Questions…


  1. How can Earth's pressurized atmosphere — i.e. the air we breathe — exist next to an alleged, infinite vacuum of space (especially given all the alleged spinning, moving, hurling) without violating the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics?

  2. Why does the horizon line always appear up to rise up to meet the eye as the eye rises, as observed on mountain tops, in planes, and via amateur high-altitude balloon footage (some that exceed 100,000 and 300,000 feet?

  3. Why do distant objects on Earth's surface appear to be clearly visible when they should be completely obscured behind Earth's alleged curvature according to spherical geometry?

  4. How can Earth's alleged gravity be sooooooo strong as to hold all the (immensely heavy quintillions of tons of) ocean water to it (in a supposed curve no less), while also being sooooooo weak as to allow fish to swim, butterflies to flutter, children to skip, and morning dew drops to hang poised at the tips of grass stalks?

  5. How is it that gravity pulls some things towards its center (oceans, buildings, etc.) while propelling other things (air molecules, birds, bees, bugs, clouds, weather, airplanes, hot air balloons, space stations, etc.) around in perfect synchronization? How do both forces occur simultaneously given how different they are... and/or why doesn't everything either get pulled towards the center OR moved around it synchronistically?

  6. If the atmosphere is getting pulled around Earth in perfect synchronization (at appx. 1,000 mph) to the east... how is it possible to have light breezes blowing westerly?

  7. Where, when, and how does the atmosphere actually stop rotating around the Earth, and what is the process for an object like one of the Apollo rockets moving from the reportedly fast speeds in the upper atmosphere, i.e. 17,000+ mph, to no speed at all when in the supposed vacuum of space?

  8. How is it that gravity is simultaneously so less strong in the upper atmosphere that astronauts are said to be 'floating', while also being increasingly stronger in order to move air molecules and objects in the upper atmosphere (e.g. satellites, the space station) at increasingly faster speeds as one moves further away from Earth? How is the force of gravity both weaker and stronger at the same time?

  9. How is it possible that the star constellations, in their unique-to-Earth configurations, haven't changed in thousands of years when each point of light (star, planet, galaxy) is said to be traveling hundreds of trillions of miles in unique trajectories? In 1,000 years, for example, Earth is said to have traveled with the Sun 5,000,000,000,000 miles (i.e. 500,000 mph x 24 hours x 365 days x 1000 years) while every star in the sky is said to have moved a similar distance, too, in their own specific, respective direction? How are we to believe that with all this alleged movements and distances happening with every point of light in each constellation that all the constellations wouldn't change in a year, let alone a millennia?

  10. Why don't airplanes or submarines adjust for curvature by constantly descending (e.g. appx. 1 mile for every 100 miles traveled as based on spherical geometry) to maintain the same altitude while moving across (or under) the surface of the alleged sphere?

  11. Why don't gyroscopes (on airplanes or submarines) reflect the alleged movements / turning / changing position as it moves from one side of the alleged sphere to the other, i.e. where the vessel would be 180 degrees inverted relative to the position it started in?

  12. Although it's said we're not aware of the various movements of Earth because they're constant, it's my understanding that anything on the surface of a spinning sphere is in a state of constant acceleration (radial and tangential). It's also my understanding that acceleration would also exist given the Earth's alleged elliptical motion around the Sun. With this in mind, why isn't any of the motion felt or detectable on Earth... especially given that Earth is alleged to be moving Mach 1.3 (1,000 mph), Mach 87 (66,6000 mph) and Mach 656 (500,000 mph), respectively?

  13. Why do so many NASA-affiliated agencies assume a "flat, non-rotating Earth"?

  14. Why doesn't Antarctic have a similar climate / abundance of life as compared to the Arctic given the alleged axis, as well as that it's said to be closer to the Sun in the winter months?

  15. How are crepuscular (angled, spreading sun) rays possible if the sun's alleged distance away is nearly 100 million miles, i.e. where all the light rays would be parallel?

  16. How could the Moon 'glow' so brilliantly and brightly, edge-to-edge, as a result of reflecting the Sun's light given how a sphere reflects light? (And why is the temperature of the Moon's light's allegedly cooler while the Sun's light is warmer?)

  17. Why aren't the tides uniform around the planet, and why do some areas / bodies of water (like lakes and other tidal node areas) not experience any tides at all?

  18. Why aren't people allowed to explore the North Pole or Antarctica without 'permission'?

  19. Why doesn't time shift as Earth allegedly moves around the Sun? For example, on Summer Solstice in San Francisco, 12 noon would be when that part of Earth was facing directly towards the Sun. 6 months later, however, on Winter Solstice when Earth is said to be on the other "side" of the Sun... the same 12 noon position of Earth / San Francisco (given Earth's alleged rotation on its axis every 24 hours), would now be facing 180 degrees away from the Sun into the darkness of night?

  20. How is the Moon able to move around Earth when it would require acceleration and deceleration given Earth's alleged movement and speeds around the Sun?



  • How is it that the reflections of the sunlight and moonlight on a flat ocean or lake show a straight line when this should be impossible if the water was curved? Further, how is water said to curve when this has never been observed or measured?

  • How does military radar and rail guns work over an alleged sphere?


Current Conclusions...



  • Earth is not a spinning sphere moving in a multiple directions at astronomical speeds through an infinite vacuum of space.

  • There's still a lot that doesn't make sense, with many questions reflected below.

  • Given the rising horizon line, Earth appears to extend continuously in all directions.

  • How the Sun, Moon, Stars and Planets move — let alone what, where, and why they are — remain big mysteries to us. 

  • While it seems inconceivable that a lie of this magnitude is happening, it does seem to us that this appears to be the case and that it's been in motion for hundreds of years and involves every facet of Authority leading and shaping modern human society.

  • Why we believe this lie is being told is to make the human experience (and Earth herself) seem "scientifically" random, insignificant, and meaningless... vs. intentional, significant, and meaningful.



  • Completely changes the fundamental foundation of human identity, i.e. that instead of being an insignificant, meaningless result of random mistakes-over-time following a random and meaningless explosion, humans and Earth appear to be part of some kind of intelligent, intentional design beyond our wildest imagination and awe.

  • Every major source of Authority no longer feels trustworthy.

  • In the growing vacuum created by the realization that Authority is lying (no pun intended), individuals are most fully empowered to become their own authority, which we see catalyzing more attention and intention on local communities where trust can be cultivated in bearing creative witness to whatever is as a foundation for creating what-can-be. In this context, see the Freedom page to contemplate this in more detail.


Follow-up Questions...


  • What about all the amateur astronomy, i.e. what might they be looking at in the sky?

  • How to discern between actual information and controlled opposition?

  • How to discern between faked CGI images and real images by amateur astronomers?

  • How could so many scientists / astronomers be duped by such a lie?

  • What about verifying distances between Earth and Moon using radio signals?

  • What about comets and meteors, i.e. what are they?

  • What about recurring, annual, predictable "meteor showers"?

  • What about solar flares?

  • What about images of Mercury and Venus seeming to transit in front of the Sun?

  • Why do the Moon phases appear to be so perfectly illuminated by the Sun's light in terms of the waxing and waning from crescent to full relative to its position / orientation to the Sun?

  • What about being able to predict satellite locations, i.e. what are these lights if the vacuum is not possible because of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics?

  • How could the Sun be traversing such a larger diameter in the winter months vs summer where it would seemingly require such a significant increase in speed to compete the distance in the same 24 hour period? Seems this would be obvious and that this does not seem to be the case.




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